Only a little creepy |
Why am I up at 3a when I have class tomorrow?
Why do I care about homework that I am pretty sure is pointless?
Why am I blogging instead of working on homework that I wish was already done?
Well kind of like an exercise in "free-writing" I thought that if I sat here a minute writing words that had nothing to do with the homework I need to be working on then maybe I can trick myself into switching over to the homework while still letting my mind freely create words .....
Just in case you were wondering, the free-writing did work to get me started on my homework (for a couple of minutes). Other things cross my mind and I'm distracted and back to the blog.
I don't like to be told to write, the blog feels like an assignment sometimes and that is what my homework is, writing essays. Writing about topics chosen by my professor to see if I am actually reading the books. I am, but that doesn't help. I could write some cr@ppy answers and finish the paper, but I actually can't. I can't do it, as much as I wish I could, I cannot turn in a paper that I am not happy with. I'd rather take late points on a perfect paper than turn in a paper that I know is mediocre on time.

Remember the good old days when an all nighter meant partying until dawn, well now my idea of all nighters usually include homework. Man I got old :-0
This is why I never finish a blog page. I start on a page and never finish the thought. I did eventually finish my homework; came home Thursday after class and crashed out on the couch. I was exhausted and thankfully classes were extra boring. It was d@mn near to keep my eyes open.
So I guess this is what you can expect from here forward. I'll just have to write and then finish the thought later. The thought on my mind at the moment is the lesson I have to teach on Monday morning and the truly scary part is that I'm on my own. My mentor is out for STAAR training.
(to be continued...)
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