Tuesday, January 24, 2012



I wish this was a new utopia, but unfortunately it is not.  It is however the Next Best Thing; it is a website with so many cool ADD topics that I am going to be entertained for HOURS!  Sorry A.

Everyday they have a "Wonder of the Day" that is connect to several links and activities about that wonder.  This must be a relatively new site because they don't have a huge list of wonders, yet, but they do have an article about Chinchillas.  Seriously chinchillas, even the name is fun to say.

*LMAO* Did you actually watch the video?  Did you notice anything funny at the end of the video?  Apparently this is a very educational video.  Oops

Anyways, I had to attend an Education seminar this morning and this happened to be one of the web pages they were talking about.  Wonderopolis, not Youtube.  I'm serious about this site, it's ADD kid's best friend (like me).  Except for you Bert.  You keep life interesting.  I don't know what I'd do without you.  

The seminar wasn't that bad, but every time I stop to think about how much stuff has got to be done this year it literally takes my breath away.  Seriously, if you ever get the opportunity thank your teachers.  Holy cr@p!  Between writing lesson plans that will appeal to children and dealing with national standards and then incorporate parents mix in a little under funding and Yippee do you have something fun.

I know that I only have an inkling of what I am in for.  I just have to remind myself why I want to do this.  Because learning can be fun.  I'm serious, no sarcasm there.

Monday, January 23, 2012


199% behind A and AnchorEquestrian
Welcome to "Tales From the Other End of the Horse."  I am starting this new blog because I realized that I had started "Anchored Down & Horsing Around" as a way to support my beautiful, talented wife and her ever growing business, Anchor Equestrian.  That blog was supposed to be about A and the horses, and I'd rather my wonderful wife not be scrutinized because of some of the things I say.  Not that I ever say anything wrong! Hopefully by doing this too, we can persuade A to start writing.

I figure this way when we do eventually get A to start writing their isn't any confusion as to who is writing, although I'm sure it wouldn't be to hard to tell the difference between the way her mind works, straight-lines/ cause & effect; versus mine, which is more like the toilet on the space station backfiring.

So here it is, "Tales From the Other End of the Horse."  It somehow seems appropriate in so many ways, that its sorta sad that it didn't occur to me before.  But be happy because now its here.

For those of you who don't know me, stick around.  I won't make any promises that you'll ever figure out what I am talking about but then again my family rarely does either.  I can tell you a couple of things that are concrete at the moment, unlike most of my thoughts.

I am 30 years old.  Still crazy to think.  I'm married to literally the greatest woman in the world, even though some days I forget that.  And I am a senior Education major at Texas A&M hoping to teach middle school when I grow up or after graduation, December 2012, which ever comes first.

The rest, well like I said, stick around.  Maybe I'll have a break through and actually complete a thought.